College Counseling

General-Images-17College Counseling

The college counseling process at Summit View begins when students enter high school. The College Advisor is available at any time throughout a student’s high school life to meet with students and their families. The goal of college counseling is to support and empower students & parents in researching options and planning the road to college. Students are encouraged to look into all schools, large and small, including those that are known to have effective student support programs.

During the freshman and sophomore years, students and their families are invited to attend College Night. High school requirements, college testing, and two-year/four-year college options are all discussed at this event. In addition, students meet 1:1 with the College Advisor and/or Coordinator of Curriculum to discuss class selections for the upcoming school year and develop a schedule of future courses that align with college plans.

During the junior year, students and their families are encouraged to again meet with the College Advisor. At that point, strengths and interests of the student are discussed in order to create a list of potential schools of interest. College representatives visit the Summit View campus and school-sponsored trips to local colleges are organized to further hone the list and inspire students. Students are advised on college standardized test dates including the PSAT, PLAN, SAT, and ACT and support is given to apply for appropriate test accommodations. (Applications for accommodations should be made early in the junior year.)

College applications are filed during the senior year which kicks off with a Welcome to Senior Year Night. During the semester workshops are offered on writing college essays, interviewing techniques, and other aspects of the college application process. College visits continue both independently as well as school-sponsored. Students finalize the list of schools they plan to apply to and obtain necessary applications. Assistance in filling out applications is available. Financial aid information is disseminated to families, and a PIN number for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is provided to all seniors. When it’s time to make a final college choice, counsel and support is given to students and families to aid in making the best selection for each individual student.

At Summit View we take pride in our students’ ability and desire to succeed at the post-secondary level. With the tools and strategies learned throughout their Summit View education, graduates move on to college with the confidence and skills necessary to move forward in their formal education.